Hair Supplies Used to do Latch Hook Crochet Hairstyle with Curly Hair;
(1) plastic hair beader or/and a crochet needle
(1) comb
(1) scissors
Now it’s time to take down or unistall your Crochet Latch Hook Braid Style. If you would rather sport your hairstyle for another couple of days or even weeks feel free but remember to take care of your hair.
When I wear any type of hair style, it is a MUST that I add moisture to my hair at least once a week. I use my spray bottle concoction to add moisture to my hair. Remember to release your twists out of a pinned style at least once a week to add some moisture to your hair. If your hair requires less moisture, that's fine. Do to your hair what your hair needs because if you let conditions worsen, your hair ends up paying for it.
When taking down your crochet braids all you have to do is cut the knots of the extension hair and unravel your braids, take your time. If you are sure or unsure as to whether or not where your hair ends along the twists, take them down with your hands until you are comfortable with cutting the ends to speed up the process.
Its really easy and simple and once you get the technique down, you will be addicted to the ease of this style!
Here we are in step number six of the latch hook crochet hairstyle in that I will show you how to properly and safely remove your hair extensions to begin you want to make sure that you have a pair of scissors to cut off your extensions you really hair removing your extensions is extremely easy because you can locate all of your weave is from your braids simply because you knotted your weaves into knots so the process of installing your actual extensions each piece of hair was knotted on top of your braid so when you go to take down your extensions you just have to locate the not along the top of braids with your scissors and just so you know how easy it is I will show you exactly how to take your extensions off from your braids so to begin you want to make sure that you have your scissors in hand and ready to cut your extensions so you simply want to make sure to remove all of the hair in front of your face so you can clearly see what you are cutting so I am just going to take my hand and I am going to brush the hair back just to reveal exactly where my braids are in my rows are from where I put my extensions to show you how to take down your extensions by concentrating on this row here so as you can clearly see you can see how the hair itself wraps around the braid and you can also see a little bit and secure the actual individual knots the beauty of taking down a style is that all you have to do is cut the knots and then take off the little bit of hair that are connected to the braid so we don't want to cut all the way close to the braid because we want to make sure that we steer clear from our hair so at the top of the knot here is where I will cut so once I cut that I just remove the strands of hair and then you have a little bit of the base of the hair here in your braid and you're just going to unravel in on slide it right off of your braid and that's how easy it is to take it down it's really simple I did not cut my hair at all so I am going to show you one more time how easy this process is so going to go right on to our next piece right here instead of cutting all the way snug against the braid which is going to cut at the top of the knot there when the hair starts to bunch just take the scissors and some there is the remaining piece of hair there to pull out and then there's always a little bit of hair this left wrapped around from where you cut just to use your fingers to just gently rub the hair off from your braid your hair still intact and you only cut your extensions so to take that all of your hair you just going to continue to cut each knot along the way and then take her braids down from your style so there you have it taking on your extensions from your latch hook style is a completely easy process you want to make sure that you simply cut the knots off that are at the top of your braid after you cut knot to simply remove the little bit of hair that's attached to the base of your braid thank you for watching the latch hook crochet hairstyle be sure to check out our videos blog and online store thanks for watching |