When doing your Yarn Braids Extensions, there may be a time, or two, when other priorities intervene. There may be times when you have to go out to get something to eat, you may have to cook for your family, or make it on time to work.
Doing your individual braids/Yarn Braids Extensions in a rush with my method will show you results that seems as if your hair has been finished. Braid your hair around the perimeter of your head so that when those inconveniences force you to take a break from your hair, you can put your hair into a ponytail to continue on later.
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa-caGu5-0E
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IoJ93jzLCI
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHXA4q72AT4
Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au4ZYPF4vbQ
Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orc7LC0D9Ro
Part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHOX4XdPH04
Part 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YhJ8kUTgp0
You we are in step 4 of the yarn braids style in this that I will be showing you how to do your yarn braids in a rush so when doing your yarn braids in a rush is done just to simply make it appear as if your hair is completely finished this is extremely handy because life always happens whether or not you have to go run errands or simply rush off to work sometimes you're not able to finish your style so by doing your yarn braids in a rush and make it appears as if all of your hair is finished braided so important to do this type of style you have to make sure that you do your yarn braids are covering the perimeter of your head the thickness of your braids have to be enough to cover up the hair that is undone so right now it appears as if my hair is finished but it's simply not so if I go ahead and take down my hair you can clearly tell that I have more my natural hair in the middle of my head that you see braided so every time I do my hair when I do my yarn braids or my zillion braids (micro braids) or my single braids I want to make sure that I make sure to go completely around the perimeter of my head with enough braids to cover up my hair so I probably have about 4 to 5 braids in width around the perimeter and you don't have to braid a lot actually have a home and a half size hand of your head while I have braids the edges and no one would you tell that your hair is not finished braided if you braided enough the perimeter to cover up your hair so depending on how thick your yarn braids are you can probably get away with three braids going around the edge of your head or maybe 4 or 5 you just make sure that you have enough braids braided so that when you pull them over your hair it doesn't look like your style is unfinished so that how you do your yarn braids in a rush and then step, step number five I'll show you the finished results to your yarn braids |