
Cornrows Tutorial On Yourself For Beginners PART 2 OF 4

Breanna Rutter


(1) Comb

(1) Hair Gel


When braiding your cornrows on natural hair, you always want to be extremely gentle with your hair. If you are not careful with your hair, that will reflect in the health of your hair. Too much rough handling on your tresses will result in split and damaged ends which in the long run stunting the growth of your hair.

Wearing a protective style like cornrow frenchbraids is great in retaining length but if you always comb aggressively or handle your hair in a rough manner, many of your hair saving methods will go to waste.Also, remember when you do corn rows on your hair that you braid in the fashion that you would like for your hair to lay on your head.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4



You are step number two of the cornrow braids in this that I will show you how to do a basic cornrow step by step to begin you want to make sure that you use your water spray bottle to mist your section of hair you will be working on you and then detangle your hair with your comb apply a little hair gel at the beginning of your braid and I will show you in detail how to do your own cornrow before you begin your cornrow braid you want to make sure that your section of hair has already been detangled and prepared to do so this helps to prevent tangles and knots along the way so what I will be doing is taking my spray bottle it in my spray bottle have water with a little bit of olive oil I will take my spray bottle give it a shake and mist the right side of my head to help me part and detangle my hair now that you have mist your section of hair you will be taking your comb and you will park your desired space out for your cornrow braid the smaller your parts are the smaller your braids will be the type of comb that I like to use has three separate size teeth ot it that serve for different purpose the teeth on the right side of the call are the teeth that are closest together in this side serves as your typical comb the teeth on the left side are the second largest them to the teeth hair are helpful for detangling your hair this is also great for adding more body and balance to an already straight or curly hairstyle the teeth hair on the bottom of my call are the farthest apart and they serve as your typical hair pick I will be using the teeth to help me part in the table my hair as I am preparing my hair for my cornrow braid so what you simply want to do when your prating is make sure that you follow the direction that your hair has already set so if I push my hair back here you see that naturally my hair like my ear so you want to make sure that as you part your hair it naturally follows that same curve as well I'm going to use the pick side of the comb and I am going to insert it here closest to my hairline and then I'm going to part and follow that same thickness along the edge where my ear is now a your hair has been parted you are going to use your comb to detangle through your section of hair and then we will take a little bit of hair gel and apply it right in front of our braid to make sure that the hair stays slick we do our cornrow now that you've prepared your hair I will show you in detail how to do your cornrow braid to begin your cornrow braid you want to make sure that you section off a small area of hair that is closest to your hairline so with my hands to simply pinch off a small section from the rest once you do that you going to take the section that's in front closest to your hairline and you are going to divide this hair into three-parts each part serves as the leg your braid to so with your hand your right hand you want to have your three main fingers on your hair which is your index your middle finger in your thumb and then the two other strands are going to be in your left hand the outer strand is going to be in between your index finger and your middle finger and then the middle strand is going to be in between your index finger in your thumb so now what you want to do is take the index of your right hand insert it behind the two strands of hair so make sure to hold grip to take my index inserted behind the two strands and put my finger through the middle of those two strands and then I hook this outer strand in my hand and grab a piece of hair from the scalp is now my right hand has two strands down in my left hand has one so now I have to take the index of my left hand insert it into the opening behind the two strands of my index of my left goes behind the two strands in an inserted into the opening and insert it on the hair on the ends with a little bit of hair from the scalp so now my left hand has two strands of hair my right hand has one because my right hand has one I have to take my index finger inserted behind the two strands go through the two strands and hook the hair on the outer edge and also hooks the hair from the scalp here my right hand has two strands bring my index of my left hand behind the two strands inserted through the opening and hook the outer strand with a little bit of hair from the scalp behind the two strands through the two strands and hook the bottom strand with hair from the scalp behind the two strands through the two strands and hook the hair that’s on the side with a little bit of hair from the scalp so now my right hand has two strands I want to take my index of my other hand put it behind two strands through the two strands and hook this bottom piece of hair with the hair from the scalp as well what a once you have braided all the hair on your scalp you are simply going to continue to braid until you reach the very end there you have it your first cornrow braid and that I showed you how to do your cornrow braids step-by-step as we began by misting a section of hair and prepare our hair for our cornrow braid I then showed you in detail how to actually braid your own braid in the next step number three I will be sharing with you my tips tricks and advice for doing your cornrows


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