

Breanna Rutter

A Step By Step Guide To Reverting Color, Heat & Protein Damage

When I created The How To Fix Damaged Hair Manual, it was important for me to share all the knowledge I have accumulated in regards to caring for your hair along with my own personal testimonies to support you so that you will successfully recover from damaged hair with ease!
In short, I felt pushed by all of you ladies to create a book that answered your difficult concerns when it comes to recovering from damaged hair.

Some common things you ladies have stressed to me were things like;
  • My hair is colored and always dry, what should I do?
  • How do i go about fixing my heat damaged leave out?
  • Protein makes my hair too stiff, do I still need to use it for healthy hair?

I wrote this book because I understand how difficult it is to battle with damaged hair and I know what actually works in preventing it and that is why I truly want to help!

I've dealt with breakage, harsh color treatments, chronic split ends along with poor hair styling habits that caused my hair to get worse each and every day so I know exactly how it feels first hand to suffer with damaged hair.

My book, The How To Fix Damaged Hair Manual will teach you how transform your hair back to its best state of health while at the same time, giving you solutions and alternatives to things you should do especially in regards to styling your hair in a way that will not encourage damage of any kind.

I received quite a few emails stating that some of you can't afford my book (valued at $9.99) and that you wondered if I would break down what hair damage means and show you what to do to stop it from occurring. I always reply, its costly not to buy this book because you will spend more money and time making mistakes with your hair when you can just buy the book to learn and implement the information right away. 

If you want all of the information you need, organized in one place, easy to understand & implement at an affordable price, then go ahead and pick up your copy of my book today!
How To Fix Damaged Hair Manual

Also, for those of you who said you can't afford my book, I listened and created a digital version of my book so that you can get the exact same book, in a digital version, for $6.99! Get your copy so that you can finally recover from damaged hair and stop it once and for all!

Some of you have already purchased this manual and if you haven't, How To Fix Damaged Hair Manual is available for purchase HERE.

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