
How To Do The LOC Method For Natural Hair

Breanna Rutter


Hello everyone this is Breanna Rutter author of the book the natural hair Bible and founder of for these special videos I love to answer all of the questions you all send me via email so if you have any questions that you would like for me to answer be sure to check out the description box below for additional information so without further ado are going to get right on into the video in this video is inspired by a question I received from a lady named Talisha,Talisha emailed me and she simply asked what the LOC method so some people call this the LOC method what it stands for LOC and call the LOC method as well so Talisha what I want to do is tell you what the LOC method is some tips that you want to incorporate when you want to try it and also generally how it helps or how its related to hair so the LOC method can be applied to either natural hair were relaxed hair it just depends on if this is something you really with me to help you retain moisture into your strands so for the LOC method L stands for liquid O stands for oil and C stands for cream so in regard to L standing for liquid can either mean water or it could mean a water-based leave in moisturizer so for some people it's better to use more heavier products or allow more thicker consistency products to keep their moisturizer then it is for someone to simply just put oil on top of waters of your some of you have a hard time keeping your hair moisturized or it's always chronically dry I highly suggest that you try this method now it's not like it's going to just save your hair forever it's not like a one-size-fits-all you really want to play around with what different kinds of products that you would like to use for your hair maybe for your liquid water will work best by doing water oil and then cream or maybe the leave conditioner will work in doing the leave in and then oil and then the actual cream so for your oil you can use olive oil coconut oil almond oil all these oils are very good on your hair and different oils will feel lighter on your strands so you just have to play around what oils work best for you what I suggest is a look at a couple of your leave conditioning products to see what oils are in it because if you have a favorite leave in conditioner most likely the oils that are used in your products are very great in your situation to be best for your hair for one person at if they use olive oil it feels to have a greasy and maybe in that situation using almond oil would be a better choice now for your creams for your creams and this can be a very heavy butter or sealant which would be composed of cocoa butter or Shea butter those type of thick consistency creams now epending on your hair Shea butter may be too much for you so maybe actually doing the entire LOC method may not work for you maybe just using water in an oil would be best but if you really want to help keep your hair moisturized and prevent the water from evaporating too quickly that's why it's always great to seal your hair with an oil or a butter so I hope this has helped you the LOC method simply stands for liquid oil and cream you just want to play around with different products that you think will work for your hair and if you need any help in that you can buy my book because I have plenty of product suggestions and plenty of different natural types of things you can do to incorporate on your hair if you haven't done so, so hope that helps you and everyone else was watching to understand what the LOC method means and before you go make sure to sign up for my email is because there your automatically entered for any giveaways that I do and only there you will receive exclusive content so until then I will see you all next video

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