Mikayla wants to know does flat iron and blow outs damage your natural hair.
VIDEO My Natural Hair Straightening Tutorial
Hair Tip #1 Deep Condition Your Hair Before Flat Ironing and Blow Outs
If your hair is not deep conditioned prior to flat ironing an f blowing out your natural hair or even relaxed hair for that matter, you will severely dry out your hair from these sources of heat, even at safe temperatures, because your hair has not been equipped with moisture. A quality deep conditioner internally moisturizes your hair to keep it elastic and moisturized for a longer period of time than how your hair would have been if you had not deep conditioned. When adding heat onto your hair, make sure that you have prepped with a deep conditioning treatment and optionally, a leave in moisturizer to prepare your hair for the heat that you will be applying onto it for straightening. Both of my books listed below will provide for you a list of ingredients to search for when finding your best quality deep conditioning products and also a list of DIY conditioner recipes that you can create on your own for your deep conditioning needs.
The Black Hair Manual (to help you shop for products)
The Natural Hair Bible (to provide DIY hair products)
Hair Tip #2 Grapeseed Oil and Olive Oil for a more Natural Heat Protectant
Grapeseed oil is a natural heat protecting oil you can use if you are applying heat to your hair infrequently (twice a week or less) and olive oil also works great as well for naturally protecting your hair from potential damage.
Virgin Cold Pressed Grapeseed Oil
Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil
Hair Tip #3 Use Heat Protectants with Water Soluble Silicones
Using water soluble silicones are preferred for thin or/and fine hair to better prepare your hair against heat damage when doing a flat iron and blow out to your natural hair. If you have course or/and thick hair, using water soluble silicones are a great alternative to better prepare your hair against heat damage especially if you are going to be using a higher heat setting than suggested. It’s best to stay within the range of 300 degrees and 350 degrees when straightening your hair to prevent heat damage. If you do choose to straighten your hair with a higher heat setting test patch to see what is best for you because everyone’s hair is different and unique.
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