
Heat Trained Hair to Natural Hair | Thin Shedding Hair Transitioning Hair Care

Breanna Rutter


Tinisha is new to my channel; she has curly arm pit length hair with a lot of hair shrinkage.
She now uses a low amount of heat for her hair and the question is, how to fix thin hair. 


Hair Tip #1 Stop Using Heat to Stop Inflicting Heat Damage


Stop using heat on your hair because it is obvious that this is what is causing your hair to thin and become damaged if this is the only change you have made to your hair care regimen. Using heat, even at low temperatures, can be very damaging to for those who have loose curly hair or hair that is fine and/or thin! Using heat on your hair should be a once in a while luxury because it can cause major thinning, dryness and breakage and this is crucial when you are trying to grow your hair as long as possible.


Hair Tip #2 Deep Condition and Protein Treat your Hair Alternating Weekly


To bring your hair back to its optimal healthy state, you need to alternate your deep conditioning treatments and protein treatments to nurse your hair back to its ideal condition. When you use heat on your hair in a way that causes damage, you lose internal moisture and protein in your hair which often leaves your hair is dry (lack of moisture) and limp (lack of protein) in most cases. If your hair feels dry, continue to do a weekly deep conditioning treatment every week, preferable with a hooded heat source that will lift your cuticles for maximum absorption. If your hair feels fragile or limp, perform a weekly protein treatments (containing a hydrolyzed protein) to nurse your hair back to health. You can also refer to my books for recipes and ingredients lists that will help you choose the best deep conditioning products and protein treatments for your hair care needs.

The Black Hair Manual
The Natural Hair Bible
Hydrolyzed Protein for Protein Treatments


Hair Tip #3 Wear Weaves to Achieve the look of Straight Hair


If you really want straight hair but don’t want to sacrifice the health of your hair, protecting your hair with a full weave is best to prevent the need of applying heat to your real hair to maintain straight hair. Tree braids are also a great alternative that offers you both straight hair and the chance to retain hair length since tree braids and full weaves are great protective hairstyles.

Tree Braids DVD
Full Net Weave DVD

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