
Crochet Braids Hairstyle DVD FREE Online Step By Step Hair Tutorial

Breanna Rutter

Hair Supplies Used For Crochet Latch Hook Braids Hair DVD


Steps In Order For The Crochet Braids / Crochet Weave Protective Hairstyle


Step 1

How To Do Latch Hook Crochet Braids Protective Style Tutorial Supplies Part 1

To do your Latch Hook Crotchet Braid Style you want to make sure that the hair you buy can be used to do french braids.

Use hair that you would use for long box braids.

A Latch Hook Crotchet Braid Style is a style that consists of braids that are flat to the scalp infused with curly or wavy hair extensions.

You can use whatever hair you want, sometimes I like to use wavy hair and other times, I want it to look really full and kinky so it's your preference.

Follow along with the products that I have listed above to achieve the appropriate results of your Latch Hook Crotchet Braid Style


Step 2

Crochet Braid Pattern For Natural Hair Styles Tutorial Part 2

In Part 2 of The Latch Hook Crotchet Braids Protective Style I will show you how to do your braid pattern.

This braid pattern is different from doing a full sew in or partial sew in.

You will even be doing your braid pattern different than you would for an L shape wig or a U shape wig.

When doing your braid pattern, you will have twice as many braids in the front of your head and half the amount in the back.

Typically, you can braid 12 braids in the front of your head and then connect them and turn them into 6 braids in the back of your head.

This helps reduce the amount of braids that you actually have to braid



Step 3

How To Latch Hook Weave With Crotchet Braids Step By Step Tutorial Hair Tips Part 3

When braiding on natural hair, you always want to be extremely gentle with your hair.

If you are not careful with your hair, that will reflect in the health of your hair.

Too much rough handling on your tresses will result in split damaged ends and hair loss which in the long run stunt the growth of your hair.

Wearing a protective style like this Latch Hook Braid Hairstyle is great in retaining length but if you always comb aggressively or handle your hair in a rough manner, many of your hair saving methods will go to waste.

Also, remember when that you do Latch Hook Braids you can make use whatever length of extensions that you want.

The ultimate look of a style is to your discretion.


Step 4

Crochet Braids Cutting and Styling Hair Weave Extensions Tutorial Part 4

Styling your latch hook crotchet braid style is so fun because you can be as creative as you want to be!

You can do a light trim to decrease the length of your hair or you can do an extreme hair cut like an asymmetrical bob or a pixie cut.

Also, if your hair is curly, to reduce the bulky or heavy look, you can cut the curls in layers.

Take your time when you are styling your hair because you want to be proud of your work and continually wear your custom latch hook crotchet braid style!



Step 5

Latch Hook Crotchet Braids on Virgin Natural Hair Tutorial Finished Results Part 5

This is the finished look to the latch hook hairstyle after I have trimmed and cut the extensions into a style.

This Crotchet Hairstyle is perfect for natural hair simply because all of your hair is concealed and protected.

This same style would be great for those who are post relaxer or even transition with their natural hair.

This style can apply to any hair type because you would just simply have to buy any hair that you would like to use and you wouldnt have to worry about blending the weave with the hair on your head.

Even if you are relaxed, you can do this and achieve great results as well!



Step 6

How To Properly Take Out/Take Down/ Remove Crochet Braids Tutorial Part 6

Now it's time to take down or unistall your Crotchet Latch Hook Braid Style

If you would rather sport your hairstyle for another couple of days or even weeks feel free but remember to take care of your hair.

When I wear any type of hair style, it is a MUST that I add moisture to my hair at least once a week.

I use my spray bottle concoction to add moisture to my hair.

Remember to release your twists out of a pinned style at least once a week to add some moisture to your hair.

If your hair requires less moisture, thats fine.

Do to your hair what your hair needs because if you let conditions worsen, your hair ends up paying for it.

When taking down your crotchet braids all you have to do is cut the knots of the extension hair and unravel your braids

Take your time

If you are sure or unsure as to whether or not where your hair ends along the twists, take them down with your hands until you are comfortable with cutting the ends to speed up the process.

Its really easy and simple and once you get the technique down, you will be addicted to the ease of this style!


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