
How To Crochet Braids Step By Step Tutorial Hair Tips Part 3 of 6

Breanna Rutter


Hair Supplies Used to do Latch Hook Crochet Hairstyle with Curly Hair;


(1) comb

(1) scissors


When braiding on natural hair, you always want to be extremely gentle with your hair. If you are not careful with your hair, that will reflect in the health of your hair.

Too much rough handling on your tresses will result in split damaged ends and hair loss which in the long run stunt the growth of your hair. Wearing a protective style like this Latch Hook Braid Hairstyle is great in retaining length but if you always comb aggressively or handle your hair in a rough manner, many of your hair saving methods will go to waste.

Also, remember when that you do Latch Hook Braids you can make use whatever lenght of extensions that you want. The ultimate look of a style is to your discretion.


Welcome to step number three of the last crochet hairstyle I will be showing you in detail step-by-step how to latch hook your hair extensions onto your braids first will show you how to do so with a hair beader then I will also show you how to do the same thing with a crochet needle before we begin adding extension hair onto our cornrow braids I first must show you how to prepare hair your hair so now your braid pattern is finished you going to be prepping your actual hair extensions it's best to make sure that you divide your spirals up or your curls up into parts before you crochet them on simply because if you crochet them on as whole as they are your hair will looks too thick, unrealistic and there is the chance that you could possibly run out of extensions so to make sure that the hair looks extremely realistic and that it appears more natural what we will do is break this hair up into parts also the hair is extremely long so I would like a shorter length a little bit above my shoulders so what I will do is cut this length if you would like to leave these extensions long as it is they were actually reach all the way down your back but if you will like them shorter a little bit above shoulder or at your shoulder and I suggest that you cut the extensions in half so you are going to need scissors to cut them in half and I have two build clips to hold the cut hair securely around each other the reason I have to is because I'm want to be demonstrating on two different shades of color this color here is in the number 33 and this color here is in the number six when doing the style you have so much versatility to play with color because none of your hair will be out and exposed so you can put on any color extensions that you would like for your look and I would like to use subtle brown colors so first I will start with my color number six and I'm going to make sure that all the ends match up to one another and then I'm going to cut the hair and half as even as possible someone to take my scissors and trim directly in half so now for each spiral what I want to do is breaking up either into two or three parts and I want to eliminate the frizz much as I can so here you can see that the hair has a little bit of frizz on it and that's fine is a little bit of frizz makes the hairstyle look that more real so I like to do is kind of break the spirals apart to see where the natural breaks are in the pattern so once I find that break I just simply divide the hair into half as slowly as I can I want to eliminate too much frizz so now after I break the section apart this is about the spiral size that I like to use my crocheting my style so now I am going to fix this hair just a little bit and I'm going to divide in half once so you just going to find a natural break in the curl pattern and then you just going to pull it apart so now once I divided my curled sections into parts what I like to do is take one of my clips and just secure the hair that I've already prepared so now you're just going to continue on by grabbing another spiral or curly piece of hair to find that natural break in it which is about their so you just gently pressing the curls into the separate and then you just going to pull it apart and then you going to divide this hair one more time finding that natural crow break that separates pull it a part and then you're going to connect onto your other bundle section hair here so by breaking his hair up into parts you get the fullness is that you need without necessarily adding one huge piece of curl so by prepping your hair what I like to do is grab about three long strands like what I have to the color number 33 and then I cut it in half and prep that amount of hair the reason why you do not want to prep all of your extension hair at once is because most times you don't actually use all the extension hair so by prepping small sections at a time it ensures that you have enough here for your style so after I finish prepping this hair next I will show you how to install it onto your braids so now that I've shown you how to prep your hair extensions I will now show you two ways of how you can install your crochet hair or your lateral crochet style so we first will start by using a hair beader a hair beader is perfect for doing your entire head because the plastic of the beader is extremely flexible for those sensitive areas so especially when you get along close by your hair line the plastic beader works perfect because it can maneuver under very delicate hairs versus using a metal crochet hook which doesn't give much flexibility buth both offer their own pros and cons even though I mainly prefer to use a plastic hair beader so right now I will grab a little piece of hair now also grab the plastic hair beader to show you how to put your hair onto your braids so here's the plastic beader here and I'm just going to take the clip off one of my sections of hair and I'm going to grab one of my ringlets here so I am going to put that piece on wrap my hook and just took the hair out of the way just to keep a separate that now I am going to grab my beader and my ringlet of hair here so now what you want to do is take your extension and just wrap it around your other hand so whatever your dominant hand is this is the hand that you're going to hold your beader with all your crochet needle so just wrap the hair around your other hand on your index finger just a hold is secure in place so now what I do is I take my beader and I pinch the wings of the beater just a little bit so is even easier to slide onto my and I love using this plastic beater especially when I'm close to my hair so I do is I take the beader I slightly as close to here to my hairline so what i do is i take the beader and I slide in here as close to my hairline as I can while also remaining on my braids and I am going to slide the beader about there and I am going to make sure that the beader actually lifts back out of the hair here so now you just want to take the hair that's wrapped around your finger and just pull it out little bit to expose the end so what I like to do is just twirl the very ends a little bit to make sure I can easily slide the hair through the actual eye of the beader some discovered grab the wings of the beader and push my hair through just like that so don’t going to pull one of the actual ringlets out I want to make sure that he has this fold here so now to hold both of the ends the bottom the front and with my hand to take my other hand and just slide it back through the braid very easy and simple so now you want to make sure that you have your hair with your opening here and then you have your two strands on the other end now if you would like it to be perfectly in length at the bottom what you can do is create you're not now in right now you can imagine how long the hair would be so naturally when this is left hanging it covers about the top of my nose at the bottom of my nose but if you want to add more length you could separate the two ringlets and just pull one down further little bit making sure the hair doesn't slide out of the braid and then you can have a new length all the way down as far as you want but I'll make sure to keep both of the bottoms even some I will even it back up here and then I am going to form my knot for my crochet hair so what you do is you use your two fingers and your thumb helping you as well to open the hair right here now just grab hairs on the other side and feed it through that opening so once I'm done and I'm going to just twist the hair feed it though that opening again pull through twist is this in the near the opening for you do this about four or five times make sure you get a very sturdy knot when you finish so here is my fifth time but the hair to that opening and out to finish off your simply going to pull all the way up in what I to do is take my fingers and slide the knot down even closer to my hair and then I separate the two ringlets and expand it and push it even further on the knot and there's your first hair being installed onto your braid so not going to show you how to add your extensions onto your braids by using a latch hook so now want to go to my table and am firs grab a small ringlets of hair if you have a very small I took you have to grab a very small amount of hair to make sure you can get all the hair on at once so now I will separate ringlets a little bit I'm going to move this hair to the side actually jst grab a different ringlets here use that amount here and I'm going to move this to the side and then wrap this hair around my finger and I have to put this latch look through my braid now you put the latch hook through your braid you want to make sure that the actual latch part of your latch look is actually open so this is how it's closed and this is how to open you want to make sure this latch is flat and look as often and then you want to slide it underneath your braid some to in the latch is open to slide right here snug under my braid once you on your braid make sure the latch is still open and that you know exactly where it is taking flip it up you take your strands hair and I like to use my thumb and my index finger to open it you are going to hook it on to that latch then you can actually close the latch here so you close it over to finish closing on the hook once you finally close it down then you can pull it through your braid open the hook take the latch off and now you have your ringlet of hair through your braid and were going to the same process to not to open up one side but the hair group turn but the hair through turn the opening at the hair through you want is about four or five times the you going to pull all the way and move you're knot all the way down to your braid and I like to separate the ringlet just to make it tighter on the braid and then you release so now more time to show you how to use your latch hook to put your extensions onto your braids so now we are going to go back to her hair with a grab a very small ringlet of hair very small if you have a bigger actual latch with you can use more hair but mine is pretty small so I have to use a small amount of hair so now wrapped it around my finger going to make sure my latch is open something to make sure the latch is open up off of the hook and then i am going to go up to my braid and i am going to insert it in right directly underneath my braid the latch is still open so that the hook is exposed i am going to wrap the hair around the hook i am going to find a latch and a little close latch on the then of slide to my braid and then now I can take the latch off of the hook that's try that one more time because you want to make sure all of your hairs are wrapped on my finger and my latch is open so that my hook is there ready to hook some hair gonna put that underneath my braid make sure the latch is still down wrap all of the hair around the hook close the latch over or through then I can take the latch off of the hook and do the same process using the latch can be easy for some and that is how I learned how to do the style but I always now prefer the beader because it's a lot more flexible in easier for me to do my hair so it's up to you how you want to use your tools so now you are going to pull you're not all the way down to your braid separate the two pieces of the time anymore and now you're finished so now I have shown you how to put your extensions on your braids I will continue to do the same process but I like to prefer to use the plastic hair beader so I will continue to use the hair beader to add extensions onto my hair so now that I showed you two ways of how to put your extensions onto your braids I went ahead and crocheted my hair about halfway on my the entire back half of my hair done with the hair already installed I have not cut the hair or did anything I just put the pieces in and left them as is sold reason why I got two different shades of brown was because I want to highlight affect towards the front of my face s in the back I have one pack of 1b so the entire black package that I had I have installed in my hair and remember I cut the pack in half so I had half the length of what I originally started with so I cut the hair first and then I installed onto my head and for the front I'm going to have a mix between the color number 33 and the color number 6 so if you want very subtle brown tones I suggest that you stay in that range but if you want your hair to be really dark iandn one solid color then choose only one color so the lighter you go with your extensions its best to go with a little low light such as a lighter brown color if you choose to have like a dark blonde color so what I'm doing is the same process throughout my head by using my beader to install my extensions onto my brain and this was the first area why show you how to put them on and I just fill in a little bit to make sure to fill in the gaps so to know that you have enough hair installed on your braids is that when you smooth your hair down you shouldn’t see your braids through your actual not so to flip it over the other side in the same thing applies you see a little bit of hair from what you don't see the braid exposed so to make sure that you're not having too much hair to the front of your head you want to make sure that you work with small pieces of ringlets at a time so as you separate the hair out try not to put one entire huge ringlet on the just break it up into smaller portions when you're really concentrating on the front of your head because that's the area where you don't it to look too dense but you want it ti look full so now what I will do is show you how my hair still prepared I have my color number 33 here and I just have a duckbill clip to hold around the hair and then I also have my other color in the color number six as well my natural hair color is a color number one and sometimes it shades of 1b as well but since all of my hairs braided you can have as much fun with color as you want whatever colors you want to use even if you want your whole entire head to be red you can buy red extensions and put them onto your braids because your real hair will show so you will have an issue blending your real hair with your extensions so I just keep the duckbill clips on to keep the hair separate and I just like to take some of the pieces of the brown and put them on and then I go back to my other color which is my 33 and put that on as well you could even just break apart your colors you want to use for highlight to mix and the you could mix the other after you separated the ringlets so is just your preference I decide to keep a separate so now as I go along when I am putting on my extensions I like to start from the back of the braid and work my way up sometimes I start very close to the front of my head because sometimes the rare times I may start to get a little bit sparse with my hair and I would rather have sparse extensions installed here in the middle of my hair or the back of my head than the front so however you feel comfortable just make sure that the very front of your hair is really filled up as close to the response so is going to install couple of more extensions is going to take some of my brown here and take my clip off and grab one of the ringlets the closer you are to the beginning of your braid the smaller your ringlet should be because it looks a lot more realistic so when you break your extensions of you noticed that some ringlets are a lot more bigger than put those back towards your hair because the finer they are up front it looks very beautiful so not can hold here on my finger I'm gonna take my small plastic hair beader and I am going to slide that at the very beginning of my braid here then i am going to twisting just a little because I just need to be able to slide it through the eye of the beader and I just slide it through I just securable bot of be ends here so this part doesn't get lost this but that loosely in my hand talking slightly hair back is a sometimes you make it some stray hairs caught on your beader but that's fine you just part and then you can open up your hair beader and do your same turn in loop process which I do about 4 to 5 times so when you are pulling on the end of the extension to tighten it here at the root if you feel any tension just use your fingers and slide the knot down and pull at the same time because you want to pull to where it is uncomfortable and actually pull some of your hair out so just be careful it's not that hard to do you just want to make sure that you have a secure knot as close your braids possible and even if you don't like to pull the ends to make the knot go down to your root to separate the two ringlets and tighten it that way it does the same effect over to the side and is going to continue to work my way back so for the front I will just probably do a bow 3 to 4 inches of hair in the front here just to make sure that I have enough hair building around my hairline and elders fill in the rest I always have the hair left over but it's just best to make sure that you cover those very important areas of your style which is mainly the very front of your head to take another ringlet that my braid is so as you know I really love using this plastic beader because it's extremely flexible in it is no tension on my hairline and I know a lot of people have issues with styles because they have very sensitive or frail edges and this is a perfect style to do because it's literally no stress on your hair and even when you're using a plastic beader it makes doing your hair a whole lot easier so those are just some tips when you are doing your style want to make sure that your pain free and you’re comfortable and to use a style that you prefer to use make sure you use a tool that works best for your style as well and that I show you in detail how to add your hair extensions onto your braids and your hair extensions there are multiple ways that you can put them once your hair I showed you two the first method was by using a plastic hair beader to extensions once your braids in the second method was by using a metal crochet needle to do so which works best for you use the tool to help you achieve your style so now that your hair has been installed in the next step, step number or I'll show you how to trim and cut your latch hook crochet style


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