
How To Remove & Take Down Your Own Cornrow Braids Tutorial Part 7 of 7

Breanna Rutter


(1) comb

(1) scissors

(1) bobby pins


And also you favorite hair moisturizer and gel to keep your hair healthy underneath your install!

Now it’s time to take down or uninstall your Cornrows French Braids with Weave. If you would rather sport your hairstyle for another couple of days or even weeks feel free but remember to take care of your hair. When I wear any type of hair style, it is a MUST that I add moisture to my hair at least once a week.

I use my spray bottle concoction to add moisture to my hair. Remember to release your braids out of a pinned style at least once a week to add some moisture to your hair. If your hair requires less moisture, thats fine. Do to your hair what your hair needs because if you let conditions worsen, your hair ends up paying for it.

When taking down your braids, all you have to do is unravel them from the bottom and work your way up. Sometimes I like to cut of the very bottom of the cornrow because the curled ends can become extremely interlocked which makes it hard to take them down.

If you are sure or unsure as to whether or not where your hair ends along the braids, take them down with your hands until you are comfortable with cutting the ends to speed up the process.Its really easy and simple and once you get the technique down, you will be addicted to the ease of this style!


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7



This is step seven to a cornrow branch braid style with weave in this that I will be showing you how to take down your cornrow braids removing your extensions is extremely easy especially when it comes to braids simply because you will be starting at the bottom of your braid and unraveling your braid all the way up until you are finished taking down your hair so for example I will show you how I unravel my braids to take down my hair so to take down your braid extensions you just want to simply grab a braid and begin unraveling from the bottom to the top it doesn't matter which braid you grab I usually go from side to side so I will grab my braid is closest to my left side and I will begin taking it down so you go all the way to the very bottom in separate be hair if the very bottom is a little too hard for you to separate you can use a fine tooth comb and you can actually poke it in between the spaces of the braid also when you are taking on your braids I suggest that you do so by hand you can use a, that's perfectly fine but I don't suggest that you cut the bottom of the braids simply because your hair may be longer than what you thought or shorter than what you thought of course my hair isn't this far down but for demonstration I will just be unraveling from the bottom all the way to the top and I take down your cornrow braids thank you for watching the cornrow French braids hairstyle with weave for other styles like these visit for more thanks for watching

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