Hello everyone this is Breanna Rutter author of one of my most popular books the natural hair Bible and founder of for this video I will be as an email that was sent to me by Monisa sent me an email saying that she hates her natural hair is always shrinking and it's hard to keep it elongated so she wonders if I have any options to help her to see more of her true length while wearing her hair Lisa thanks for your email and I'm glad you sent it a lot of people have been asking me about how to keep their hair elongated and stressed and also to avoid shrinkage so I got some tips for you that I want you to either incorporate or think about in regards to actually keeping your hair stressed and minimizing shrinkage so the very first thing that I'm going to suggest is a nonpermanent option for elongating your hair and that is by doing natural hair styles a popular way to elongate your hair is a style called a twist out where you actually twist your hair when it's damn wet or dry with individual twists and then unravel them for a kind of curlier or wavy type of look to your hair another popular style is called a braid out you braid individual pieces of hair to keep it elongated and streched and then you can unravel your hair to create to create a crimped look another style or another option for stretching your hair is also by roller setting you can use perm rods you can use straw sets said some people have even tried the paperback technique where you roll pieces of hair around cut out pieces of paper bags to actually create a curly spirally look so there's a lot of options that you can do for a nonpermanent way of stretching your hair and after you want your hair for a while and moisture starts to come back into play whether you are adding product getting ready to wash your hair or you are in a human environment your hair will shrink once again that's just the nature of the natural hair but these are some ways that you can incorporate in order to stretch your hair now the second option is a permanent way of stretching the natural hair and this is called texturizing a lot of people are for texturizing a lot of people are against texturizing and this doesn't matter because it depends on what you want to do with your hair and how you want to wear your hair because you're the only one has to take care of it I don't have to take care of your hair your friend doesn’t have to take care of your hair not even your stylist has to take care your hair you depend you depend on yourself as far as if you want to take care of it working to delegate someone else take care of it so texturizing is a option for you if you feel like you want to permanently alleviate the shrinkage that you are experiencing while also retaining some of your texture now this process is different for a lot of people some people like to do this in the comfort of their own home and other individuals like to go to a salon I suggest that you do leave this up to a professional because chemicals are required to change the texture of your hair and I want to make sure that you're doing the best thing that you can to prevent any possible irritation or factors of hair loss or anything like that that can occur when using a chemical that straightens your hair so texturizing is up to you – is one of the options that I'm suggesting it is a permanent option because this is going to forever change the texture and on the dynamic of your hair this will change the texture a little bit but what texturized actually does is that you elongate your hair so you already have a visible curl pattern it will make your curl pattern look stretched instead of widened of if you have kinks it will actually relax your kinks a little bit so is not as prominent and also so you have as much shrinkage now the third thing that I want to suggest is that you just put out a little bit so that it’s not as prominent and also because of shrinkage won't go away especially if your hair is not chemically treated now the thing that I'm going to say is that your hair gets longer shrinkage isn’t as prominent you have a very short hair shrinkage is in full effect it doesn't have much weight because your hair shorter in length therefore your hair will shrink a lot more easier and the shrinkage will be dramatic but if you notice a lot of individuals who have had long natural hair will have hair that they've been going for two three or four years they will come to this point would actually see that their hair is starting to droop or fall down a little bit when it's wet and even when it's product free not a lot of people at this point confuse the fact that there hair is damaged in some way or that they've lost their texture but if your hair is longer or it's becoming longer is going to hang down more when it's wet because of the length and because of the extra water that your hair has to hold the hair short shrinkage is more dramatic your hair is long shrinkage is less dramatic so that's my last tip is that just be patient and wait for your hair to grow longer so that way it actually will be more hang time even though the shrinkage is still present so thanks for your email and thank you all for watching I hope they've learned a lot about shrinkage in different options that you can do to help you elongate your hair so have a question for you on how do you elongate your hair do you prefer twist outs braid outs perm rod sets or have you even concern yourself with possibly texturizing in your hair or even do you take hair to keep it elongated so those are my suggestions and as a couple questions I want to ask and I want to thank you all for watching these videos I shavers port I thank you for watching and leaving me your feedback and follow me everywhere Instagram and Facebook and things like that it really means a lot to see your faces and hear what you have to say about the content that I share you guys are beyond supportive and I just want to thank you and also before you go if you haven't go ahead and sign up to my email is so they can be entered into any giveaways that I do and also only their you will receive exclusive content so until then I'll see you all in my very next video