
Natural Hair Types For Black Hair

Breanna Rutter



Hello everybody I am going to teach you all what your hair type is and just explain the different types out there so I know that many of you may already know your hair type and those of you that you may not know I will help you in your natural hair journey I’m always picking up more information about different things and I just want to give back things that I already know so let jump into it so just to let you know with all your types our hair types fall into the major categories of time 1,2,3, and 4 now type 1 hair is that is naturally straight all the way over to type 4 hair that is naturally kinky so I am going to further explain these hair ties into different subcategories you can so that you classifications or you can say subcategories you have a subcategory of a A,B, and C and in each hair type for type 1 hair the reason why he doesn't have a classification of an A, B and C is because it is hair that is straight with no type of curl or wave to it and if hair has a wave or curl to it it starts to fit into category 2 you on this list are made of type 1 2 3 and 4 hair is just a visual explanation of what each type to be straight type 2 hair will be wavy type 3 would be curly and type 4 will be kinky type 4 is still curly it’s just you know commonly known as kinky hair because it's more tighter curled than type 3 hair so the difference you can tell between type 1 hair and type 2 hair is your hair doesn't have any curl or any type of wave at all you are strictly type 1 hair which has no subcategories of a b and c and type I hair is usually people are Caucasian Chinese or any kind of Asian descent or European descent so type 2 hair is wavy hair it doesn't have any curls in it the majority of your hair is wavy so if a majority of our hair is wavy you fit more into type 2 hair and you can definitely tell the difference between type 1 because  type 1 is mostly straight strands naturally so then we move on to type 3 and type 3 hair is curly hair ranging from a loose curl to a really deep curl and you can tell the difference between type 3 hair and type 2 hair because type 2 hair is wavy for the most part without any curls and type III hair is mostly curly so if your hair starts to actually starts to form curls in its natural state it looks to be type III but your hair appears to be wavy for most of your curly pattern then you are a type 2 and now we move on to type 4 hair my hair as you see here this is just a protective wig that is on my head so type 3 hair is curly as I have said and type 4 is curly as well but it’s also mostly known as kinky hair because the coils are very close together and almost like a spring so type 3 hair is more of a wider and bigger type of curl than type 4 now with these two categories it’s very easy to tell between the difference between them with this picture but as you go more into depth in the subcategories which I am going to show you in just a little bit it maybe a little tricky when you're figuring out well okay well and i type 3c or type 4a so now I am going to further explain the different subcategories that each of these may fall into so here I've drawn out this prettiful picture of the different hair types that you see from type 2 3 and 4 and we already know what type one is on here so type 2 hair you have subcategories of a b and c, a being the more looser type and the category 2  and c being the most tightest in the category of 2 and the same thing applies as categories a b and c for type 2 3 and 4 hair. For type 2 hair your hair is wavy as simple as that it may be a slight wave to a deep wave if it has any curl at all you are not in the type 2 you will be type 3 category of your hair type so if your hair type is a type III you know for fact because your hair has curls whether the curls are tight or loose that's your hair type is mostly wavy you fit into category 2 now with category 4 this hair type is also curly bit is more kinky in the sense that the curls are actually tightly compacted into each other so it appears to be more kinkier than your curly hair when it’s still curly anyway so for type 4a the kinks are a little bit more looser and to for 4c kinks are very tight Now at a distance for 4c hair looks like an Afro just a straight up kinky afro and most people you have their negatives about it just because 4c hair is always look on to be the ugliest hair type or not the most tasteful but is a very beautiful hair type and when you look at the actual individual strands up closer you see this such a beautiful curl pattern so if you may fit into this 4 category don't be ashamed you know because type 3 hair type to hair is pretty and beautiful but this hair is it may look a little bit differently ma even be tighter or it may even be hard to deal with in some cases but it's a very distinct kind of hair and its beautiful and it can be trained when doing styles as well as other types like type 3 and type 2 so the biggest way to tell the difference between type 3 hair and type 4 hair is that that type 4 hair way more tighter these 2 categories are about the hardest categories for people to figure out what their hair type is so if you may fall into the III or type 4 you can definitely compare your hair to other girls just to see what pattern they mostly fit into so that it can help you now the reason why is all matters you know say who cares about your types is not even a big deal you know whether my hair is a 3c 3b or 4a 4b or 4c it doesn't even matter and in a way it does matter because the more curlier and coiler your hair is moisture your hair requires 4c is the most driest of hair types just because of the way that its shaped the way that it is because of the texture itself so the hair naturally has an oval pattern which is the shape that has tension spots on it type 2 and type 3 hair is more of a circular structure the hair follicles so it’s more stronger of the hair even though 4c 4b you know these categories hair between 3 and 4 BC might seem like the roughest hair deal with or the hardest to manage just because it may feel necessarily stronger doesn't it stronger these curls naturally have tension spots on it you have these very delicate areas even on the individual strands itself so you have to be very careful when you are detangling your hair handling your hair washing your hair so for those of you who may not understand which is that you may find to this is that only a good reference to comment this video so make sure that you favorite so that you can always refer back to it and reflect on what your hair type is since the 4 category of hair is the most kinkiest and the most tightest curled hair it requires definitely a lot more moisture and oil and condition than hair that may be a 3 or 2 or 1 you know I always wondered why is it that you know on your European people or white people or Chinese people don’t necessarily have to use oil in their hair for the most part some do but for majority all that they need to do is basically wash their hair and condition their hair because their hair is even sometimes oily and it don’t even need to apply oil to their hair and that is just because of the way that the hair structure there is a circular follicle and its stronger in a sense where they don’t have much weak spots in their hair and their hair has more luster and shine but you can definitely achieve with type 3 category and type 4 category hair as you go up this scale you have to usually to maintain your hair and keep it healthy you have to apply some type of moisture whether it’s a leave in conditioner or an oil water-based type of conditioner for your hair type III curly hair usually they can’t just shampoo and go without the hair being dry that’s just naturally how their hair is so they might apply very light oil like a light coconut oil or light almond oil or even just a leave in conditioner just as you want to type 4 category hair you are required sometimes even a much thicker leave in conditioner or a more heavier oil for your hair to help retain moisture and you retain moisture just by sealing your hair with oil or sealing in the water so that you can protect your follicles so with that being said 4a to 4c hair definitely requires a lot of moisture and oil and condition so they are your is as healthy as he can be  without being dry so now I have some further examples if you still have difficulty figuring out what your hair type is as you can see we that I may like for a long time ago I want to say like the beginning of the year and didn't want to file meals is too short for me to it and then work my grandma would probably appreciate this wig a lot more than I did this hair it may see wavy but it is actually curly so with this chart I made here you can definitely figure out where this fits into so since the hair is not wavy it won't fit into the top 3 category because type III hair is curly so this curl isn't tight so it definitely doesn't fit into type 3c or 3b but fits more into 3a now you will more along be able to difference between 3c and 3a with this category of hair because you will be comparing your hair to Different girls and you can just tell you will be able to allow Richard you fit more for generally speaking moisture levels in type 3 hair is okay for the most part you just need to maintain that with just a little bit of leave in or a little bit of light oil to keep your hair as healthy as possible so this is another wig that I it’s a curly wig its not wavy all you can definitely see those curls inside of the wig is for an experiment I had actually never worn it because my mannequin head was just too small at the time and it just was blah so it was definitely a lesson and it's a pretty I like the way that is two toned in color and I'm going to use this to compare to the chart for those of you who may have curly hair so on our chart we definitely now that this is not type two because it’s not wavy hair this could be type 3 because its curly hair and it could be a type 4 hair because type 4 hair is also curly so when I compare this wave to this chart I can see that is not really loosely curled so it wouldn't be a 3a it wouldn't be a 3b it would be more like a 3b you may look at this an think that clearly its a 3c or a 3a but as you go along on your hair journey or just learn about different types you will definitely be able to tell the difference and know which category it falls into and in my opinion and also based on chart I would definitely say that this hair fits into 3b category so now I am going to get in with my hair type so I can show the example of hair that fits into the 4 category of hair so here is my strand of hair as. You seem right here and it looks a little jagged or whatever you know but this is product free hair that I dried know in order to figure your type of hair just take a dead strand of hair and why you want to do is soak in a cup water or if it doesn't have any product to shredded out of a paper towel so we can get dried out and then you can compare with your hair and texture fits into so of course my hair is more of a kinkier strand and not as loosely curly as you see here in this 3 category like 3c and things like so if it's more into the category for a 4 of hair and since it’s not a looser kinky it more of a very tight coil this is what my hair type fits into my hair is dry in its natural state and when its product free and dry it looks like a huge Afro so I know that this is definitely 4c hair so hope you will love this video like this video and definitely come back and refer to it if you want to help explain your hair type to people or you just want to come back to for reference so see you all in the next video and thanks for watching

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