
How To Get Consistent Curly Hair

Breanna Rutter


Hello everyone this is Breanna Rutter from in this video I will be talking about how to get your most be defined hairstyle so if you like words was style to braid out recently like where other styles manipulating your own here I will address the three main things that you must do to make sure that you get very defined curl or pattern to your hair the very first thing that you need to do if you want to have your most defined hairstyle is to rinse your hair in your cold water by rinsing your hair and hold cold water this will allow the scales on the outside of your hair shaft and lay flat against your hair so when you rub your hands through your hair or set your hair in your style your cuticles are closed to make your hair a lot more smoother in texture it's very hard to get a defined style with frizzy hair so to fix that issue after your wash or before your wash or whenever you're going to do your final rinse your hair in cool enough water that you can stay my second tip for getting your most defined curl or pattern in your hairstyle is to set your hair while it is wet your hair when you're initially setting it fresh on wet hair or damp hair but when your hair is dry it was already pre-manipulated into a certain style before you style it again that's lifestyle on dry hair tends to look frizzy while styles done on wet hair look a lot more crisp so if you really want a really good curl to your twist out braid out or even to a rod set you want to make sure that your hair is damp so the best time to do this is after you wash work condition your hair in order to set your hair in its style for its most defined look so for my last tip for achieving a very defined pattern or a curly style is to use hair gel hair gel is perfect because he gives you either a stronghold or an average holds your hair you want to use hair gel to lock in that pattern you want and to preserve your hair for longer than normal now you honestly don't have to use hair gel to set your hair but if you put all these things together rinsing your hair in cool water setting your hair while is wet and also applying gel onto your wet hair you will have your most defined curl pattern or curly hair so tips for achieving your best fine hairstyle the best defined hairstyle comes from rinsing your hair Cool water to close your cuticles and then using hair gel to help style your hair and also setting your hair while it is wet so make sure to follow along with the things and you will notice that styles like a bant not a braid out or even a mini twist look a lot more defined so those are my tips for achieving your most defined curl pattern for your curly hairstyle so whatever style you would like to wear such as two strand twist or bantu knots by following all the steps you have a very defined curly crisp style so I hope this video was helpful for those who were really looking for how to keep their best defined twist out or braid out and also make sure to go to for more hair information and hair videos like these

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