
How To Co Wash 4C Hair & Natural Hair Growth Tips

Breanna Rutter


Tianna has incredible shrinkage every time she washes her 4c curly hair so what are some techniques
she can incorporate to know how to shampoo wash 4c hair and how to co wash 4c hair.



Hair Tip #1 Wash Your Hair In Manageable Sections Preferably 6 to 8 Sections

Section your hair with your hands in about 6 to 8 sections to allow you to detangle with ease especially with thick or curly and coily hair. Use duck bill clips or gator clips to keep your hair sectioned. Butterfly clips work well with sectioning also.

Duck Bill Clips
Gator Hair Clips
Butterfly Clips



Hair Tip #2 Elongate Your Hair With A Lot of Conditioner and or Oils

Use a wide tooth comb to detangle your hair after applying conditioner to your hair. Make sure to comb from the bottom towards the roots to make sure that your section is thoroughly detangled. If applicable, saturate your hair first with water before adding a slip agent. Refer to my book, The Black Hair Manual if you need help finding your best hair products.

Seamless Wide Tooth Detangling Comb

The Black Hair Manual: A Pocket Guide For Choosing Your Best Hair Products



Hair Tip #3 Keep Sections in Loose Braids with Twisted Ends to prevent Single Strand Knots

DO EVERYTHING IN SECTIONS ALWAYS! This prevents single strand knots and breakage when handling your hair in sections. If you need further assistance, refer to my Hair Regimen DVD to understand with step by step details how to detangle your hair and so much more!

Hair Care Regimen DVD


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