
Why Do Black People Have Short Hair??? I GOT THE ANSWER!!!

Breanna Rutter



Monisa (not Reeta) wants me to talk about why black girls still have problems with short hair with so much information out there in the world to grow longer healthier hair, is she missing something?


Hair Tip #1 Its Common For Black Girls to Have Relaxed Hair and This Alone Can Cause Damaged Hair


Relaxing your hair does not mean you cannot grow long hair, it is the culprit for many individuals whose hair cannot handle withstand this chemical without severely causing damage to their hair! To grow your hair best, this may mean that some have to forsake relaxing their hair to keep it as healthy and as strong as they possibly can to encourage hair growth.



Hair Tip #2 Its Common for Black Girls to apply Heat When Blending Their Hair With Extensions


Using heat on black hair can cause severe heat damage which leads to broken damaged hair. The reason why is because black hair that is usually kinky and or curly has to endure more heat than our straighter haired friends so with more heat, dry hair and breakage can occur. Constantly blending leave out with a straightener or constantly braiding your hair repetitively can lead to thinning and breakage. This can cause a lot of women to have short hair. Using natural oils as a form of heat protection will prevent heat damage if coupled with using heat at a safe temperature that is best for your hair as well.


Natural Heat Protectant Oils

Virgin Cold Pressed Grapeseed Oil
Virgin Cold Pressed Argan Oil



Hair Tip #3 Black Women can Grow Long Hair & Growing Long Hair Can Be Difficult For Some Women


This depends very much on the nature of your hair. Thin or fin hair cannot handle as much manipulation (heat and styling) as those who have course hair or thick hair. It's common for black women to have fine thick hair whether they have natural hair or relaxed hair and being that thin hair is not as strong as course hair, this EASILY leads to breakage and stagnant length depending on your hair care routine and hair products used to maintain and care for your hair. If you want help growing your hair healthy as well as help knowing which hair care products are best for you hair, check out my books for more information!


The Black Hair Manual: A Pocket Guide For Choosing Your Best Hair Care Products

The Natural Hair Bible: The 10 Commandments of Black Hair Care

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