
My Natural Hair is Always Dry and Full Of Dandruff!

Breanna Rutter


Niya says ever since I’ve been natural, my scalp is always dry and full of dandruff, what can I do?


My Step by Step Educational Hair Care Regimen DVD


Hair Care Tip #1 You may need to alter or develop your Hair Care Routine!


Educate yourself by purchasing my book “The Natural Hair Bible: The 10 Commandments of Black Hair Care”. Experiencing dandruff and dry hair shows a lack of knowledge about natural hair, the health of your scalp, or even your choice of products. Change up the products that you use in your hair care regime or completely change the things that you do to take care of your hair to eliminate dandruff or dry hair.


Hair Care Tip #2 Are you using quality hair care products?


The ingredients in your hair care products can make or break the health of your hair. Moisturized clean natural hair is the best thing you can do for your natural hair. Know how to read your hair care product’s ingredient list and know how to apply them properly while also developing the best regimen for you hair altogether. Purchase my new book, the Black Hair Manual below, it will teach you how to shop for hair products according to its ingredient list, how to properly apply your products, and developing your step by step hair care regimen as well.


The Black Hair Manual: A Pocket Guide For Choosing Your Best Hair Products


Hair Care Tip #3 Educate yourself on hair care with my book, these are symptoms that can have more than one answer or solution.


My Book “The Natural Hair BIble”

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