
Why you should donate to

Breanna Rutter our founder has made the difficult choice to give away a lot of her hard earned work for free because of her love for hair & helping people. HowToBlackHair could be earning 7x what it earns today if we charged for all the content we give away for free but our founder believes in being a blessing to peoples lives by sharing the gifts she has with the world. If HowToBlackHair has saved you hundreds of dollars & time then please consider donating what ever you can to show your support. Creating high quality videos for can take multiple people working 14-16 hour days for over a week to complete and produce a single video. Our founder works around the clock to be a blessing to you, so please consider being a blessing as well. Every donation and purchase to helps us to be able to reinvest back into giving to you. We're only asking for a donation if HowToBlackHair has been a blessing to you in any way.